
Crowdsourcing has made such a huge impact for companies. Companies no longer have to shell out all this money to have content for their audience. Instead of paying experts a price they deserve (whether it’s because of their schooling or their equipment), they are now paying amateurs a price that is unbeatable. Because amateurs do not have the same experience as an expert, they charge way less and they are content with it because they know they are getting paid for something they have no serious skill in. The first time I ever saw a company use crowdsourcing was when I watched ‘Best Week Ever’ on VH1. They were taking content that had gone viral on the internet and bringing it to TV and it was a hilarious show. The only work they did was have comedians make jokes and have a dialogue about the content. Since then, I feel like that is all you see. Companies are banking on viral videos b ut the sources of the videos are not getting paid, so really the companies are winning in the situation. The video source only wins if their video somehow in turn gets them some type of deal or recognition bigger than just being shared on tv or a social media platform.

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