Over the last decade with the rising popularity and dependency of wireless technology, name your pick, there is no such thing as private spaces or privacy anymore. Personal time is no longer personal; whereas once one was able to appreciate any slow and quiet time, now that same person is more inclined to fill that void with social media, texting, or even a leisurely phone call. The privacy one can sometimes long for has ceased to exist thanks to the virtual noise of wireless technology. That much-needed expresso or latte is now posted online because of it’s cute yet impressive foam art or it’s the universally symbolic status of an exhaustion fighter, the wireless world keeps conversation constant even during that blissful moment of privacy. This also includes vacations- before the advent of modern smartphones, we would often take pictures from a disposable camera or use a personal camcorder to capture certain highlights of the trip, now every five seconds, a picture is taken or a live video is streamed; no longer signifying the privacy of our personal time. Privacy has become public- there’s no doubt about that.
I usually have a rule when it comes to enjoying private time with friends, family, or on a date; put the phone down, put it away, or turn it off unless an important call is expected. However, when I notice that the phone becomes more of a priority than myself then the social event comes to an end. As Yudhjit Bhattacharjee writes “…When people had access to their phones, they were also more bored, which is not what we were expecting,” Dwyer says. Having your phone on the table while dining, he adds, is “probably not going to ruin your meal, but it could chip away at your enjoyment.” The toll exacted by this phenomenon on close family relationships is easy to extrapolate…” Constant checking of social media, texts, emails- symbolizes boredom in a not so subtle way making it very clear that either you’re wasting someone’s time and vice versa. The urge to smash someone’s phone will be there until the function has ended.
Now, in order to use our phones or other wireless devices, there must be antennas. Lots of antennas which is not an issue for big cities around the world, in fact, we tend to overlook these antennas seeing how they fit in with modern buildings but it becomes an eyesore for once beautiful areas filled with lupins, lush forests, valleys, and gorgeous rolling hills. These quiet and often gorgeous areas fall victim to monstrous antennas which take away from nature’s beauty. As cell phone usage rises, this means more antennas, which requires more electricity, which in turn requires more scenic areas to be spoiled. Victor Epand writes “…In suburban and semi-rural areas, on the other hand, the large, steel-grey structures needed to support larger cells are harder to hide — yet some operators have nonetheless come up with innovative solutions. In South Africa, for example, at least one operator has taken to camouflaging GSM towers in tropical palm trees, with surprisingly successful results. Elsewhere, the tall spires of churches and cathedrals are being used to hide antennas, representing a positive solution for both the general public and the religious organizations which suddenly find themselves with a profitable antenna-site rental on their hands.” It’s gotten to the point where antennas need to be camouflaged as to not disturb the scenic environment.
Private spaces are now a thing of the past. We can no longer get away from the busy world around us without being reminded of our dependency on wireless devices; whether it be our phones physically or the antennas used to maintain reception.