Wireless Technology

Wireless technology has changed the way we think of public and private spaces in different way. What I mean by that is that wireless technology has become a great game changer. It has helped plenty of people connect to their loved ones or get some sort of information about themselves. At the same time according to “Smartphone revolutionize our lives – but at what cost? It said, “Researchers have begun documenting the impact of smartphones on our ability to focus”. I believe that point is true there are many instances where people try to “social cleanse” and failed to come through for the reason to having separation anxiety from their phones. This having always the phone on us causes one to lack other skills such as reading and writing. Besides this another thing is if one connects to “free Wi-Fi” is it actually free or is it costing our personal information or other things. According to “Social Impacts The Telephone and The Cell Phone Has Had on Society” it said, “In order to avoid problems with environmental groups and local communities — which can be potentially costly in terms of both legal fees and delays in network roll-out — many equipment manufacturers and operators are now working on ways to reduce the environmental impact of cellular antennas.” For having “free Wi-fi” it is now costing the environment as well.

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