Public vs Private Spaces

Smartphones and technology have revolutionized and improved our lives in many ways. Its improved our education and how quickly we can access information, it helps connect friends and families from all over the world, and has created thousands of jobs and opportunities for millions of people with online businesses like myself. But I think that smartphones and modern day technology and how we use it also has many negative affects on this society. Like Yudhijit Bhattacharjee mentioned in the article “Smart phones revolutionize our lives, but at what cost” I also agree that the way we use modern technology takes a big toll on our mental health. People dont know how to seperate whats real and whats fake, we have become so obsessed with posting our every single move and every single accomplishment that we think that, thats all we’re supposed to be doing when in reality life isnt as perfect as everyone tries to make it seem on social media. Everyone posts their accomplishments but nobody posts when they lose. It has become so crazy that in efforts to help people and the mental health problems that they have been experiencing due to social media, Instagram has decided to block certain accounts from being able to see how many “likes” people got, since many people obsess over the amount.

People post their current location, who their with, where they work, where they live, everything on social media. Its so easy to find someone just with their name or nickname these days. This is also extremely dangerous. Earlier in the year a famous NY rapper who went by the name of “Pop Smoke” went on Instagram and posted a package he had recieved in the mail from a luxory store, to show the world that he can afford it. What he didnt notice was that he accidentally posted his address along with the post. This was all it took for some robbers to find his house and try to rob him and eventually kill him. This never would have happened if he didnt want to show the world that he could afford a luxury item. And hes not the only one, hes just one example of this society obsession gone wrong.

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