How does the internet work? Why is it successful?

I think that the internet is incredibly interesting in that we often put so much trust into it. Whenever we look for a nice restaurant to eat in, we look online and we look at the stars that people give it. We do this because we don’t want to eat at a place that has roaches or rats, we want it to be safe. But in turn, we develop a dependence for it, the fact that the cell phone tells you where is safe and where isn’t can become a huge problem. In the article that talks about the most boring places on earth, it has a lot of potential for great mis use. For example, the article finds peoples ratings of certain places. Since this is the era where everyone has access to social media, a random mob can just absolutely tank the reviews of certain towns, restraints, etc. This could be devastating because some people don’t know what is going on. They simply see that the restaurant they used to go to has gone to absolute shit. So they don’t go anymore. To make it worse, these mobs can bombard the reviews with lies such as seeing rats/ roaches.

The internet was successful in that it opened a door to improving the lives of many many people. I honestly don’t know what I would do if I lost google maps!!! But it also opened the doors for mob reviewing and people using the internet to get what they want. It gives everyone so much power and there really isn’t a police for it. It is also successful in that the majority of our time on the internet is mostly positive. Whenever we want to watch youtube or check or email (which is really important) we can. It allows for instant messaging!!


  1. Before you could see restaurant reviews online how did people know where to eat? Did they only listen to their friends or try out every restaurant in town until they found the ones they liked and then created a mental map or record of the best places? They had services like Zagat before the Internet of course, but it’s not clear how many people used these services regularly.

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