Biological Technology

Nature and technology were inevitably going to coincide sooner or later. Human beings and technology are becoming interconnected biologically with the study of humans through a scientific and computer coding scope. This can include such aspects as studying stem-cell research and the morphology DNA sequences. According to Juan Enriquez’s 2003 Ted Talk, one person’s DNA sequence is extremely similar to a line of code used to program a computer. If a computer can be programmed to behave and look a certain way, maybe humans could to. By studying a humans’ DNA sequence, it could then reconfigured to benefit said human. For example, certain DNA sequences (or a humans’ line of code) that make humans highly susceptible in developing such viruses and diseases as Ebola and cancer could be re-sequenced (programmed) so such diseases could become less prevalent. Another use for combing nature and technology involves the readmittance of extinct species into the present day such as Tasmanian tigers and the almost extinct gaurs. Biologically speaking, technology can be very valuable for the future of medical research in relation to the human genome, the ancient history Homo sapiens and even perhaps fixing evolution’s tiny errors.

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