1,000 word paper

Roger Abreu

Professor Cohen

Tech & communication


Project summary


From my project app I chose to do it on a more futuristic kind of app that would allow you to enhance your brain chip that you have installed into your brain this app is called brainiac. At first, I wasn’t too sure what I wanted to do but then what clicked with me the most was when I was doing cyborgs last semester and brain chips was a part of my slides in my presentation last semester and it kind of really stuck to me so that’s why I decided to go with this brain chip app. So, when you first enter the app you’ll get greeted by saying hello welcome to brainiac this app is for only brain chip users so if you don’t have one this app will not work but if you would like to apply for one At 0 cost please click this icon you will be to two options which you will have to pick from. Then the two options are that you either agree to allow us to use your data from your searches that you do which we will sell to companies which will cover the brain chip fee and it will be waived, the second option is you agreed to this option and you would pay for the chip and all the service fees which is only $75 a month which is basically like a phone service. After you make your account with us you will then have to turn on your Bluetooth so your brain chip can connect to your phone and once you’re phone is connected with your brain the special icon would turn to blue which will indicate that they are both now connected. after that you’ll be sent a screen with a list of many different options to what you can turn on and off for example there is night vision, Google search engine, video games, your contact list or your phone, if you need it if you need help thinking you could turn on thinking boost, Amazon, ESPN, language interpreter, then you could also access your emails and all you need to do is manually with your phone is either turn it on or off up to you. Then once you get toward the end of the app you will be thanked for being a customer and then you would also be told for anyone who you help sign up for brain chip or for the brain chip app would be paid $25 each for each user they get and this is a very great initiative because who doesn’t like free money and this would be a very great way to enhance our future society.

You may be wondering if I use any articles or got the idea from somewhere yes I did but it was from a YouTube video that I found of Elon Musk explaining his newly developed brain chip but it is still not available to the public because he is still trying to implemented into the human brain and trying to find test subjects but As for now he says the main thing that these brain chips would allow the user to do is give the person using it a more enhanced brain power night vision Which I find to be very cool but who may know maybe by next year or maybe in two to four more years maybe everybody will have a chip in their brain hopefully not or maybe there would be a way to not have to put a chip in your brain or maybe we could just wear the chip like unhate in our sleeves and our clothes or a gadget week aware so we don’t have to insert nothing into our bodies. A lot of people have very negative things to say about this app and also about the brain chip, for example a lot of people feel like putting a chip in your brain anybody would be able to hack into it and make you do things that you wouldn’t be able to control. Trust me nobody wants to be controlled that’s why there would be many precautions that would make sure that no hackers or anyone is able to access your account there will be a team of computer techs handling our app services do day and night making sure that our system is up and running and nobody takes it over. A lot of people are afraid of change for example when the TV first came out how a lot of people liked it and then you had an older generation that didn’t like it they only liked the radio and then after that video games came out the generation before them didn’t like that an even continues in today’s society where new trans come up and a lot of people like it or they don’t like for the brain chip many people have their doubts. For example right now there is a vaccination out for COVID-19 is it 100% going to work nobody knows they’re saying is 90% sure that it will work but guess what people are stepping up and taking the vaccine but then you have your doubters who needs to be proven wrong so once somebody gets a brain chip and it’s successful I feel like this app will be very prominent and very useful in the near future. Well two things Elon musk said in this article are very true and that is that Elon musk made good points like “If humans want to continue to add value to the economy, they must augment their capabilities through a “merger of biological intelligence and machine intelligence”. If we fail to do this, we’ll risk becoming “house cats” to artificial intelligence.” and that “Remember how we use to have factory line workers nearly every big company now has robots instead of people which makes having a human obsolete to a robot who can do it for free” these Two things that he said are very true and no doubt in probably 10 years most jobs will be replaced by robots not even I would probably give it two years that robots start taking regular jobs away in China there ready taken away the jobs in the cashier’s and have robots taking orders instead of a cashier, go back to what Elon Musk said robots are the future an technology is the future we as a people have evolved with technology and our technology is getting even more powerful like he said if we fail to become one with this technology we are just going to be near house cats which is crazy to think but it’s something that lets people know that the world is changing and changing yourself in a small way wouldn’t be that bad.

In conclusion dont try to be against change, try to adapt your self to it and be apart of it because if you dont it will just phase you out and you will be out the loop. There are people who already have enhanced mechinisems that allow them to eaither see color or to even hear better so enhancements are already common, Just imagine a world where every one can have enhanced abilities of thinking and etc, it is llitmitless to what the human brain can do we only use 10% of it imagine if we use all of it.



Solon, Olivia. “Elon Musk Says Humans Must Become Cyborgs to Stay Relevant. Is He Right?” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 15 Feb. 2017,  www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/feb/15/elon-musk-cyborgs-robots-artificial-intelligence-is-he-right.



  1. Hi Roger,

    Your paper needs to be formatted in the 2 column ACM format I sent around… please reformat it and add images.

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