Wireless technology has created and allowed for a system of networks to be connected on a global scale like we have never seen before. Wireless technology could be considered dangerous because of the illusion of privacy. When one thinks of their smartphones and WIFI, they believe it to be solely theirs. However, this could not be far from the truth and the information stored on such devices is what makes that so. Any device, that has ever connected to the internet has now become a part of the public one way or another by means of personal data which can be easily accessible to some third parties. A smartphone can never be a private space. Another interesting matter when it comes to wireless technology and public verses private spaces can be seen in the example of given by Slashdot in their article, “Starbucks Clashes With WiFi Hobbyists Over Airwaves”. Private companies can start banking off free WIFI services by charging a monthly fee to their customers. If you are an avid Starbucks attender, between the coffee, snacks and semi-comfortable seating, paying for WIFI in exchange for a convenient workplace filled with drinks and snacks might not be such a bad idea, while the park just outside offers wireless connection for free it only has one bench that is always taken by tourists. Private companies have also been known to offer free WIFI with a time limit until they start charging you. This a way to get the ever-connected generation out the door in order to increase customer flow rates and decrease overcrowding. Private companies, that offer a public space for gathering, are now able to make money off of publicly offered WIFI. Most wouldn’t even notice. This also correlates with the matter of who can access your information once you have connected to a public WIFI domain. Your “private space” runs the risk of no longer being private.
When it comes to private and public spaces already located on the internet, Wikipedia is the first company that comes to mind. The article entitled, “Corruption, Treachery and Deceit at Wikipedia” by Wolfshead, discusses the hierarchy of what information comes to the surface in a general search. It also reminds us of how anyone at all can contribute to its pages and display inaccurate information just for the fun of it. Though Wikipedia is a private company it offers the public a space where anyone and everyone can contribute to the knowledge it holds. This can be dangerous for an eager student absorbing the knowledge left by an internet troll. I guess that’s why the majority of people question Wikipedia’s credibility. The idea behind Wikipedia didn’t take into account the power behind anonymity and how people could use that to change perspectives and ideas of truth and knowledge.