How does the internet work? Why is it successful?

The internet is successful for many reasons, mainly for making the lives of many way easier than before. The internet provides its users with answers to many questions and hacks to help many people with anything they need. It’s one of the most used creations that we depend on daily as it vastly becoming a staple in our lives to the point where we can no longer avoid it. In the article, “Does the Internet Make You Smarter?” by Clay Shirky, he explains how we work with what we have to make it better. speaking about the Gutenberg press, Shirky mentions, “We built new norms around newly abundant and contemporary literature. Novels, newspapers, scientific journals, the separation of fiction and non-fiction, all of these innovations were created during the collapse of the scribal system” this is an example of how we have the ability to make things to make our lives easier. This is similar to the way our lives become easier thanks to the internet. Therefore, its purpose makes it very successful to many people all around the world.

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