Hannah Khoury

Most commented posts

  1. Network Forms and Functions — 1 comments
  2. No Media? No Success… — 1 comments
  3. You It! — 1 comments
  4. Coding is not my style — 1 comments
  5. Best Friend’s Eyes — 1 comments

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Final Project

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e8l3l_8ikcRmPpraJF0Y7tNgjwSJnMSmbc6CRMlScmc/edit?usp=sharing My final paper is on google drive and can be accessed by anyone with the link!

Best Friend’s Eyes

Places my siblings and I have gone to school

Coding is not my style

I’ve been working on this for hours and have no clue what i’m doing wrong. I cannot sketch out the shapes but my codes all look correct, can anyone help?

Midterm Slides- Best Friend’s Eyes

Here is the link to my google slides presentation https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1GrhD6MJD_UCxNsRjVWvKpMBjBd2MFIt4r9AgirGgZio/edit?usp=sharing

Wireless Technology

Wireless technology has completely changed the way we function daily. We rely on it to get directions to places, communicate on various platforms with other people from across the world, and access an entire database of information. This technology does have its pros and cons, as it has altered our perception of what’s public and …

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How is crowdsourcing changing the way that companies approach creating content? Crowdsourcing is obtaining information and data from a large crowd, usually from social media or the internet. Companies can crowdsource to see the latest trends and create products to fit those trends and sell.  This is becoming easy and efficient to do, and helps …

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You It!

My new search engine would be very similar to Google. This search engine would be more personalized, however, according to your interests based on your browser history and cookies. So if someone were to look up “Funky Cabinet” and that person has a history of looking for Alice in Wonderland, then anything that could merge …

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No Media? No Success…

The very first day of attempting this challenge was a failure. Habitually, I opened Facebook as soon as the class was over last week. I realized that I did this out of instinct and didn’t even try to avoid it. I promised myself I would close the app and try again but easily found myself …

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Network Forms and Functions

Networks were just a tiny part of life until I really thought about Anna Nagurney’s ideas. In The Science-Spanning Disciplines it is evident that networks take so many various forms and each network functions differently according to their form. For instance, GPS is used almost everyday for so many people. I know that I would have …

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