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- GPS – Guaranteed Packaged Service — 1 comments
Dec 02 2020
GPR stands for guaranteed packaged received. It is a way to achieve assurance from online shopping. It will have a huge impact to the people who usually have a hard time when receiving packages. People will receive an address perfect for their orders. Once an address is approved the person will have the opportunity how …
Nov 18 2020
We are becoming interconnected with technology biologically in different ways then we know it. If you take it look for an example a diabetic, they use technology to check their sugar levels. Field like the medical field have found ways to use technology biologically, for a diabetic there is now apps that sync from the …
Oct 20 2020
The Internet has become successful through the years by becoming an everyday tool for everyone. Everyone’s question can be answered through the internet without the use of bothering anyone with questions. It has become a new wave of communication to people who have family in different parts of the world. Although the Internet is very …
Sep 29 2020
Wireless technology has changed the way we think of public and private spaces in different way. What I mean by that is that wireless technology has become a great game changer. It has helped plenty of people connect to their loved ones or get some sort of information about themselves. At the same time according …
Sep 16 2020
I believe that the tools of digital media is doing both impeding and expanding our knowledge. The reason why I say it is impeding it is because one relies on media for everything. To be honest the last time I believe I actually checked on a family member in person would be a few month …
Sep 09 2020
When the professor at the end of class said to try to go a week basically without social media, I said I will able to make it at the end of the week. My first instinct was to delete all those apps I’m frequently on, Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, and Youtube. I kept Google maps …