KeyAnna Hooker

Bronx, NY

Award Winning Short Filmmaker holding a degree in Media Technology / Media & Digital Film Production, under Communication Arts & Sciences. She is in her final semester completing Film & TV Studies BA with a concentration in Television under Journalism & Media Studies for Fall 2020

Most commented posts

  1. A Week Without Google and Facebook — 1 comments
  2. My First Three Days of Coding — 1 comments
  3. Final: CUNY Central — 1 comments
  4. CUNY Central Paper — 1 comments

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CUNY Central Paper

CUNY Central Application Paper Final_Hooker_CUNY Central.pdf

Final: CUNY Central

One Centralized CUNY App for Students CUNY Central.pdf Link – The CUNY App that keeps you logged in, so you don’t have log in every time you open the app! Instead of the multiple apps for various things dealing with CUNY this one app centralizes all things CUNY, regardless of which campus you …

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Why are maps Important? /  What societal Information can be Learned from them?

SGPIA Research Finds ‘Digital Divide’ in Google Street View of Environmental Issues, Slums Google Street view is amazing. I once came across a quote from a podcast, “out of all the things we can look up on google street view, the first thing we look up is our home address.” I’m guilty of this. Gaps …

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How can we become interconnected with technology biologically?

Review of Eugene Thacker’s Biomedia – Nicholas Ruiz III I feel we should indulge in technological advances but not biological advances because of ethics. Survival of the species would be the exception. I understand the need to see things from different vantage points. I fear what I do not know. Biological warfare and massive surveillance …

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The Culture and Tools of Digital Networks / Public DATA

Is Making Public Data “More Public” a Privacy Violation? – Arvind Narayanan Do we every really read the privacy policy and conditions? I’ll read an instruction manual and skip that portion. The first thing that popped into my head while reading this article was the Facebook – Cambridge Analytica scandal. Even though I’ve found myself …

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How has wireless technology changed how we think of public vs. private spaces?

Social Impacts The Telephone and the Cell Phone Has Had on Society – Victor Epand Rabbit ears, radio antennas and car antennas were among my early experiences of visible antennas. With the transfer to Direct TV each customer had their own external antenna in vicinity to their household. They later consolidated and operate from less …

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How is crowdsourcing changing the way that companies approach creating content?

The Rise of Crowdsourcing by Jeff Howe For professionals, competing with amateurs can be daunting. I service a home recording studio myself in photography, videography and music production/vocal recording, and I like to charge at the sweet spot between professional and amateur prices. As I am a film major I know a few friends who …

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My First Three Days of Coding

 Press [f] or “double click” mouse for full screen! My First Three Days of Coding – YouTube Video I used the desktop version of Processing. I couldn’t find a way of generating a code to embed so here’s an embedded video. My Processing Source Code projects should be attached in this post for download …

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Saving Your Dongle

Saving Your Dongle.pdf A simple solution for people with dongles that refuse to upgrade their devices.

If I Were to Create a Search Engine

If I were to design my own search engine it would look like a mixture of Yahoo’s homepage, which is populated with news and information. That news and information would be curated news and content chosen specifically for you based on your search results and topics you care about. It would act like the google …

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