KeyAnna Hooker

Bronx, NY

Award Winning Short Filmmaker holding a degree in Media Technology / Media & Digital Film Production, under Communication Arts & Sciences. She is in her final semester completing Film & TV Studies BA with a concentration in Television under Journalism & Media Studies for Fall 2020

Most commented posts

  1. A Week Without Google and Facebook — 1 comments
  2. My First Three Days of Coding — 1 comments
  3. Final: CUNY Central — 1 comments
  4. CUNY Central Paper — 1 comments

Author's posts

A Week Without Google and Facebook

I tried, but I failed! I’d probably be successful if there was an incentive like payment. For my communications course at Lehman College with Professor Brucker-Cohen he gave us a challenge of no Facebook and Google for a week. I’m aware that I’m invested deeply in the Google echo system. Before google, I had a …

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How are Networks and Network Theory changing the way we organize and categorize information? From an early adolescent age, toddlers categorize things into groups to better understand the world around them. People are connected to each other through many different socially connected networks. The term, “it’s a small world”, gives an insight to how we …

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