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- Final Project Paper — 2 comments
- Embeded Map — 1 comments
Dec 16 2020
This was truly challangeing but so grateful I got through it. OTS… On The Spot shopping app!
Dec 16 2020 Final Project _OTS App OTS…On The Spot is an app designed to work in conjunction to any shopping advertising network. The way it works is once the person watches anything on a commercial, billboard, ad, magazine, newspaper, supermarkets, pretty much anything that can be purchased even pets! you can simply scan a QR …
Nov 04 2020
Why are maps important? What societal information can be learned from them? Maps are extremely important. I realized how lucky we are to be able to use our smartphones. This weekend I was all over the city just out with my son celebrating halloween stopped at Hells Kitchen, Bryant Park, and then to then Chelsea …
Oct 28 2020
Sep 09 2020
Being without social media was not stressful at all but reading all the articles made me more interested in educating myself and understanding the future of technology. I strongly believe that the internet and devices have made me unable to retain information because I am very dependent of Google , Apps and my phone. I …
Sep 09 2020
It might be surprising but I did not struggle at all. I have no social media no instagram no Tik Tok, facebook ( I HAVE AN ACCOUNT BUT CANNOT REMEMBER THE LAST TIME I LOGGED IN). The only social media I have is snapchat and its mainly because of the news and stories I like …