Author's posts
Dec 02 2020
I wanted to create an app that will help resolve the solid waste pollution seen in the world, Milieu is an app that has the answer to help solve this in any part of the world. Milieu’s purpose is to persuade users around the globe to clean up heavily polluted areas around their city to …
Nov 17 2020
Interconnected with Biology
How are we becoming interconnected with technology biologically? Today, we see the use of science and technology and how they make the lives of medical professionals much more easier. Technology helps with the use of modifying living organisms and biological processes to create things such as medical products and more. Technology has expanded greatly throughout …
Oct 19 2020
How does the internet work? Why is it successful?
The internet is successful for many reasons, mainly for making the lives of many way easier than before. The internet provides its users with answers to many questions and hacks to help many people with anything they need. It’s one of the most used creations that we depend on daily as it vastly becoming a …
Sep 29 2020
How has wireless technology changed how we think of public vs. private spaces?
Wireless technology has changed the way we think of public and private places because it has created so many differences to the lives of many in ways that one would have imagined back then. Wireless Technology has helped many lives run more smoothy because we can depend on it during our everyday like wether personal …
Sep 22 2020
Crowdsourcing and User Generated Content
How is crowdsourcing changing the way that companies approach creating content? The way crowdsurfing is changing the way companies approach creating content is by communicating with people from various background that can come together for the greater good. We can see this in the article “The Rise of Crowdsurfing” by Gregg Segal where one women …
Sep 16 2020
Search Engine and Reading
Search Engine: The title of my search engine would be called CreateIY which would mean create it yourself. This search engine would lets users who make an account use all the resources the account provides and give users the chance to search up and upload different projects, recipes, and home decor ideas to the site …
Sep 06 2020
Week #2
To be completely honest I failed the challenge immediately. From the moment professor Jonah told us this challenge I knew I wasn’t going to succeed because last year when I had professor Jonah‘s class we did a similar assignment and I failed as well. It is extremely hard avoiding sites such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, …
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