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- GoCity – Earn points for exploring your city and the world! — 2 comments
- Is It Really Google’s Fault We’re Stupid? — 1 comments
- The Rise of the Internet and Its Potential Downfall — 1 comments
Nov 04 2020
This is a map of available recycling bin locations across New York City. Data provided by: EDIT: The embed isn’t showing for some reason. So, here’s the direct link to the map. Direct Link:
Oct 27 2020
Oct 20 2020
Explaining how the internet works would be a whole topic in itself. As there are multiple layers of how the internet connects devices together and within those layers, there are even more layers in how the transfer of data is processed and so on. That’s why most things are created with a layer of abstraction …
Sep 29 2020
Wireless technology’s development and evolution in the past decade or even the past two decades has been tremendous. If you think back, you might remember having to always be tethered to something in order to communicate with someone or having to lug around a giant machine just to do something simple. Take the mobile telephone …
Sep 22 2020
The buzz word, crowdsourcing, is a great method of distributing a company’s labor throughout the internet. In a WIRED article by Dustin Haisler, the author explains the concept behind crowdsourcing and the many forms it comes in. Crowdsourcing isn’t just outsourcing company tasks such as formatting some rows and columns in an Excel sheet to …
Sep 16 2020
The existence of digital media tools are helping the expansion of our knowledge, that is if we use it for good. What is defined as “good” though? Well, for everyone, “good” would obviously mean you’re not using these tools to commit crimes such as murder or even something like terrorism. Just like you shouldn’t use …
Sep 14 2020
While reading through Nicholas Carr’s article, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”, the issues of trying to read through text is definitely relateable. However, the reason and explanation for why it happens could use some work. Similar to Carr, I enjoyed reading at a young age. During the early ages of elementary and middle school, it …
Sep 07 2020
Let’s just say… this challenge is almost impossible given today’s standards. I mean, maybe it’s doable if you weren’t consumed within Google’s ecosystem. But nowadays, it’s almost impossible. You absorb Google services even without knowing it. YouTube? Yeah, that’s under Google’s umbrella. Signing into a website? There’s probably some code that forces a redirect to …
Sep 01 2020
When networks are brought up, one might think of computer networks, like your home networks, which has multiple devices connected to the same router. But there’s obviously different forms of networks. Like Nagurney mentioned in her talk, “Networks: The Science-Spanning Disciplines” (3:25), network science is the study of complex networks, like that of telecom networks, …