Category: Student Work

Crowdsourcing and User Generated Content

How is crowdsourcing changing the way that companies approach creating content? The way crowdsurfing is changing the way companies approach creating content is by communicating with people from various background that can come together for the greater good. We can see this in the article “The Rise of Crowdsurfing” by Gregg Segal where one women …

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I’ve been a competitive gamer learning graphic design for several years. As a result, I believe crowdsourcing is a good thing because you can get things done without having a degree to show for it. Crowdsourcing on social media is basically the crowd takes a seat as the both the product and the producer of …

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How is Crowdsourcing changing methods of labor on the Internet? by Michael Li

Crowdsourcing has been able to connect people from all parts of the internet and it seems to have been mainly a good thing. Like in the article ‘The Rise of Crowdsourcing’ there are photographers who don’t need to apply for a job, they can simply create for other people. For example, if someone wanted a …

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The first article, “The Rise of Crowdsourcing”, is about the first beginnings of examples that created and started the action of Crowdsourcing. It also speaks about the different ways that crowdsourcing was put into work in its earliest uses with minor companies. Crowdsourcing seems to be utilized more prominently these days especially with the advance …

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A week without Google or Facebook

I’ve spent the past few years off of Facebook after I canceled my account to escape the anxiety that I felt it was giving me.  I only rejoined in the past few weeks because my community board only meets on a Facebook page for this rural Florida town that I own property in.  I deliberately …

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Search Engine Designs & Info Overload

Yahoo & Bing search engines failed in their respective challenges to Google, so I don’t anticipate my own engine to do any better.  When it comes to addressing privacy and the monetization of web-tracking, I would have more interest in using whatever information has been aggregated, to present closer search results for the user.  Presenting …

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Are the tools of digital media impeding or expanding our knowledge?

I feel as though digital media both impede and expands our knowledge; on a personal level as well as the human collective.  Recent world reactions to the George Floyd-BlackLivesMatter movement and the global response to the pandemic are fantastic examples of how social media expands our knowledge collectively.  The google opt-out satirical video poked fun …

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Digital Media

If I was to create a search engine it would be similar to google but the major difference is that you would have direct links to what can help you and what you’re looking for. As far as google there are millions of links but not all of them are helping with what you are …

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Are the tools of digital media impeding or expanding our knowledge?

I think digital media is impeding and expanding our knowledge. There are so many pros and cons to this topic. Digital media is so big in today’s world that it’s still expanding and so many new digital media outlets are coming out, but two major powerhouse digital media in today’s world are Facebook and google …

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You It!

My new search engine would be very similar to Google. This search engine would be more personalized, however, according to your interests based on your browser history and cookies. So if someone were to look up “Funky Cabinet” and that person has a history of looking for Alice in Wonderland, then anything that could merge …

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