Category: Student Work

No social media for a week

For me, I did not go an entire week without using social media. I have a facebook  but I don’t use it. I have them because a few years ago, they required you to have a facebook in order to use the ‘Messenger’ app. In terms of twitter, I do use it and it was …

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Internet knowledge or hindrance?

The tools of digital media seem to be both impeding and expanding our knowledge as a society because it is giving us the necessary tools to tell numerous, untold stories, but it is also giving us a false sense of reality as well. Digital media give individuals an outlet to depict their life journeys and …

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Info Overload, 24/7 Access, & “By Me, For Me”

Search Engine Idea: “By Me, For Me” My ideal search engine entitled, “By Me, For Me”, would be a hub of a user’s personalized interests as the main page, as well as a separate bar for general searches. After making an account, a user would be able to choose topics they are most interested in …

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Introducing Fustercluck- The One Stop Spot For Everything Gaming!

This assignment is brought to you by FLUSTERCLUCK– your one-stop spot for everything gaming. Introducing Flustercluck, the gaming world’s most advanced and up to date search engine for games old and new- retired and upcoming. What makes Fustercluck different? Well, besides having a pretty awesome name, Fustercluck gives the ‘little guys’ a chance to be …

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Is It Really Google’s Fault We’re Stupid?

While reading through Nicholas Carr’s article, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”, the issues of trying to read through text is definitely relateable. However, the reason and explanation for why it happens could use some work. Similar to Carr, I enjoyed reading at a young age. During the early ages of elementary and middle school, it …

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No Media? No Success…

The very first day of attempting this challenge was a failure. Habitually, I opened Facebook as soon as the class was over last week. I realized that I did this out of instinct and didn’t even try to avoid it. I promised myself I would close the app and try again but easily found myself …

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Do you feel as if the Internet and your devices have made you unable to retain information?

Being without social media was not stressful at all but reading all the articles made me more interested in educating myself and understanding the future of technology.  I strongly believe that the internet and devices have made me unable to retain information because I am very dependent of Google , Apps and my phone. I …

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No social media FAILURE

This experiment was extremely difficult for me the first thing I usually do when I wake up is look at my social media accounts and check my DMs and messages. on day one when I woke up went to grab my phone and check but then I stopped myself from looking at it I had …

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A Week Without Google and Facebook

I tried, but I failed! I’d probably be successful if there was an incentive like payment. For my communications course at Lehman College with Professor Brucker-Cohen he gave us a challenge of no Facebook and Google for a week. I’m aware that I’m invested deeply in the Google echo system. Before google, I had a …

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A week with no Social media

It might be surprising but I did not struggle at all. I have no social media no instagram no Tik Tok, facebook ( I HAVE AN ACCOUNT BUT CANNOT REMEMBER THE LAST TIME I LOGGED IN). The only social media I have is snapchat and its mainly because of the news and stories I like …

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