Final: Find Your Smile

Find Your Smile

(Final paper is linked to the above text)

Find Your Smile

Click on the image above to view prototype. Created, designed, and written by Vanessa Nimons.

(Jokes by Al Lowe as seen in Leisure Suit Larry 3)


NOTE: Audio is included but acts a bit finicky on the first page.

RESPECT Phone Application (FINAL)

Phone App Prototype:

Final Response Paper (IEEE Format)


Final Project – CampusLand

Hello, Link to my final project below

Update: Below is the link to my final paper and a pdf of my final paper.

Copy of IEEE Paper Format.docx


Moment Quote App Final

Down below is the link to the “Moment Quote” Prototype App.



Final App

My app is about eating healthy and getting rid of the high obesity rate in America. The obesity rate is 42% and has increased 26% since 2008. This app will allow all people that have access to a smartphone to order from healthy places instead of the fast food chains we consume everyday. The app has the advantage of getting food delivered to your house on time and making sure you get exactly what you’ve ordered.

“Brainiac” APP

Brain chip



Helping food digestion: Apple cider vinegar has actually been generally made use of to soothe digestion pain, tonerin dr max promote intestine health and wellness, as well as support proper digestion.

Final Project – Never Lost App

Piggy-backing from the app idea that I had shared previously.

New Kid on the Block

My app idea focuses on helping small businesses from around the world. Many small businesses never get to reach their goals simply because they don’t generate the revenue nor the attention they need. The app chooses to help small businesses by having them apply to be listed on the platform. Once they’re listed, users will be able to see these businesses and choose to buy their products or services. However, since the platform focuses on small businesses, at some point if the small business generates enough revenue and attention, they will be removed from the platform and new small businesses will be brought on to give them a chance to become a successful business. With the help of my app idea, all small businesses around the world are streamlined to the users and the small businesses get the attention they need as well as the sales to one day be as successful as some of the giants: Amazon, Walmart, and others. And hence, that is why I dubbed this app/project as “The New Kid on the Block”.


In the demo, you can see the full concept of the app. After the user is logged into their account, they are presented with the Discover feed which is catered to the user based on their public information such as state/country of residence, interests, and previous shopping activity. In the feed, there are also navigation tabs that offer customized feeds such as limited-time deals from stores, popular stores/items, and newly listed stores/items. The entire purchasing process is straightforward as well – the user will search for an item they like, read its description and add it to their cart for checkout.

I’m not completely sure if there are apps that do EXACTLY this. Obviously, there are apps like DoorDash, UberEats, and Postmates that help support local food businesses. And in a way, you could consider places like Etsy and eBay to be similar as they help anyone get started with a business to sell their products and services. But what happens if a store has been on these sites for years and top the search results month after month, year after year? The new stores that get listed have no chance of exposure. That’s why I think my app can help new stores enter the market and attract the attention they need to become big.

Written IEEE:


GPR stands for guaranteed packaged received. It is a way to achieve assurance from online shopping. It will have a huge impact to the people who usually have a hard time when receiving packages. People will receive an address perfect for their orders. Once an address is approved the person will have the opportunity how to receive their packaged which can be either delivery or pick up. Through the app, they have access to pick up their package whenever they want as long, they desire. It works also for people who tend to travel a lot who do not have a set schedule to have their packages delivered. This service comes with a $10 monthly fee and it can automatically connect to your email, so it grabs your orders quickly with no hassle. People will have the reinsurance of their package being delivered. There would be no more packages being turned away for wrong information. Unlike your Amazon Lockers or UPS Lockers, packages will be delivered to a secure home no matter the size and weight. Plenty of people will benefit from this app. Elderly people who unfortunately do not have help such as a helping aid can have the packages delivered to them. People who do not have a stable home, for example, those who are unfortunately are in shelters need a place to send their stuff. Then residents living in neighborhoods that do not have a doorman or theft is in occurrence. Due to COVID-19 plenty of people lost their job, one can even get paid for using their home as an address for people to deliver their packages and holding the packages or get paid to deliver the packages. During this pandemic the number of online shoppers rose to 60%. Everyone should get what they paid for no matter what, delivery Carriers have a tendency of damage packages or misplaced packages. According to a 2019 study by Cluth, plenty of people want to do online shopping but are scared of getting packages lost or damaged since that as well has rose to 51%. Then in the reading by Business Insider, New York City is one of the major cities that has 15% of online shopping packages that never make it to the shoppers. As well as 25 million dollars lost on goods and services. In the article by KENS 5, there is this thing called delivery schemes, in which people will go by as shipping carriers like FEDEX or UPS and text the person to notify them of their upcoming packages. In this case it is fake, FEDEX and UPS released a letter saying to no believe those text message it is just a new way to steal packages.  I have found a similar website that does what GPR is delivering. It is called Manhattan Mail Room, where one pays a low as $30 for a mailbox per month but it is not available all the seven days of the week and it is only during business hours. Unlike Manhattan Mail Room all GPR just needs is an contact information and proof of identity no hassle for extra documents such as proof of address.