One way in which we are becoming interconnected with technology biologically is the way we now rely on our devices to pick up the slack of our own memories; to store them in a database and also remind us. If you were to ask a random person how many of the contacts on their phone they have memorized, it’d be less than 10. Personally, I only know my direct family members’ phone numbers strictly from memory but for everyone else’s number I’ve relied on iCloud to keep that data stored for me. Similar to ‘dry data’ that is mentioned by Eugene Thacker, which are files in a database. He also mentions, “…The greatest achievement of biotechnics would not be the transformation of all life into machines, but the resurrection of life that is perfected biology, more biological than the biological itself, the redemption of biology…” which I think is what the age of AI is for us today; the redemption of biology, and life itself.
Nov 21 2020
How are we becoming interconnected with technology biologically?
Technology has become so essential in today’s world there is no deny how depend we as society has become on the use and advances of technology. If you think about what’s going in the world with the corona virus scientist have claim to have developed a vaccine 95 percent effective in less, then one year. There is no denying that society has reaped the benefits of these technological advances. Technology has played a major part during this time of the pandemic we are able to stay connected with love ones while we quarantine and stay safe I mean during the Spanish flu pandemic can u imagine how hard it must have been to not see or hear from loved ones while trying to remain safe. Each day technology reaches new heights of achievement with an expeditious growth rate that us as humans are having to adapt and grow with these technological advances.
Nov 18 2020
How are we becoming interconnected with technology biologically?
We are becoming more interconnected with technology biologically because we are depending on it as time progresses. We now rely on technology for medicine and there is no possible way we will go backwards, in terms of using passed/outdated technology to help us with medicine. This is how we are interconnected with technology biologically because we now rely on it in terms of our health.
Nov 18 2020
There is obviously no denial that the technology space is growing and will continue to grow over the years. But the way that humans are interconnected technologically is the fact that we have integrated most of the aspects of our lives with technology. The creation of the TV kept us inside our houses and from the movie theatres during the 1950s to the creation of Apple and their list of devices. The IPhone became a staple in our growing society when it came out in 2007. It was interesting to read the article, “An Era of Zoe and Bios? A Conversation with Eugene Tacker” especially with this quote that says “In the end, perhaps we learn that at the core of humanity, to borrow from Žižek, there is something rather “inhuman”; in fact, such a “gap is thus asserted as inherent to humanity itself, as the gap between humanity and its own inhuman excess.”[4] We might say that we ‘walk the line.’” This quote is interesting to break down because it basically says that we as people tread on this line of humanity and our own accessible values. With the article, “Data Made Flesh” a quote that stuck out to me was “in which notions of “the human” diversify, self-transform, and mutate as rapidly as do new technologies.” This quote is somewhat true because with the advance growth of technology, we as humans try to adapt and grow with these technological progressions.
Nov 18 2020
Bio, Mecha-People
I think technology is the biggest reason humans can live longer. Because of technology we have the resources and medicine to help cure or help people cope better with a certain ailment they have. For instance how people with missing limbs can have a tougher time than most so prosthetics are there to help them, technology is growing so rapidly that in the near future we might be able to either regenerate certain limbs or create robotic limbs that can make it seem you never had a missing limb (If anyone played Spiderman Ps4 with Otto and Peters research on a arm that would help people with missing limbs, something like that). Ignoring the fact the scientists in that world turn into creatures.
Another example would be right now how doctors and scientists are trying to complete a vaccine on the pandemic that is happening. I think in the grand scheme of things technology is forever expanding to the point it might be scary to some and exciting to others that the limitations of people, animals, etc can be non existent because of technology(i.e humans cant fly- buy a jetpack). I know scientists now are looking at cloning, but what if they are trying to find DNA in animals that can benefit humans. Technology is endless so anything is possible.
Nov 18 2020
How are we becoming interconnected with technology biologically?
I think that the research of genes can be both beneficial to human development but can also be detrimental. For example, the Ted talk specifically talked about very extremes in life- organisms that can live in radiation, sulfuric acids and more significantly, extinctions. With technological advancements, not only are some animals on the brink of extinction saved, but they can also have a few more benefits as well. I can’t help but compare this to GMO (genetically modified organisms). Essentially, certain plants and animals have their DNA changed so that they might have more nutrition than they normally would. Something similar can happen to human beings. If the earth were to be hit with a nuclear warhead, water and land would be riddled with radiation. The current state of human beings can’t really take radiation as shown by the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. With biological advancements, we could take the DNA of these Archeas (the ones that allow it to survive radiation) and inject into the DNA sequence of our eggs. What is created is a human that is able to sustain radiation. Of course there might need more tests but it is still possible.
The only downside that I see is that some of these people will have phenotypic differences. GMOs are a foreshadow of this. Some countries have citizens with poor health because their foods are not as nutritious. So biological manipulation of a plant, such as a strawberry, won’t just have potassium and magnesium. With modification, the strawberry might have potassium, magnesium, vitamin D and calcium. Remember, vitamin C and D can help bones but also white blood cells and red blood cells. However, the strawberry might also have a color change. Since vitamins often impose its color on the fruit, adding vitamin C and D might add orange color to it. It might even end up being blue.
Nov 18 2020
With the lengths that technology has come, it is no surprise that humans are now becoming interconnected with it. Technology has made many huge advances in science and we are able to do things we never thought of. Things such as stem-cell research, IVF, vaccines, cloning, and many other fun things. Technology has become very resourceful in furthering research but most importantly in medical research.
Nov 18 2020
Biological Technology
Nature and technology were inevitably going to coincide sooner or later. Human beings and technology are becoming interconnected biologically with the study of humans through a scientific and computer coding scope. This can include such aspects as studying stem-cell research and the morphology DNA sequences. According to Juan Enriquez’s 2003 Ted Talk, one person’s DNA sequence is extremely similar to a line of code used to program a computer. If a computer can be programmed to behave and look a certain way, maybe humans could to. By studying a humans’ DNA sequence, it could then reconfigured to benefit said human. For example, certain DNA sequences (or a humans’ line of code) that make humans highly susceptible in developing such viruses and diseases as Ebola and cancer could be re-sequenced (programmed) so such diseases could become less prevalent. Another use for combing nature and technology involves the readmittance of extinct species into the present day such as Tasmanian tigers and the almost extinct gaurs. Biologically speaking, technology can be very valuable for the future of medical research in relation to the human genome, the ancient history Homo sapiens and even perhaps fixing evolution’s tiny errors.
Nov 18 2020
We are becoming interconnected with technology biologically in different ways then we know it. If you take it look for an example a diabetic, they use technology to check their sugar levels. Field like the medical field have found ways to use technology biologically, for a diabetic there is now apps that sync from the sugar level tracker onto their phone with their daily sugar dose. When reading the article, “Data Made Flesh”, by Euegene Thacker, “Within biotech research, this is known as the field of “bioinformatics,” which is simply the application of computer technology to life science research.” Euegene Thacker continues to say that “characterizing biotech is a unique relationship between the biological and the informatic.” Then in the “A Conversation with Euegene Thacker”, he mentions that “The greatest achievement of biotechnics would not be the transformation of all life into machines, but the resurrection of life that is perfected biology, more biological than the biological itself, the redemption of biology.” I believe this is true, biotechnics have improved and rescued many lives, when one thinks about the future, there would be more advances and more options for people who are dealing with different medical issues.