Original Concepts

I started creating this idea for awhile now and here is a slight visual representation of it.


The Nightcaller app


App idea “Google Experience”

Hey, so my app idea is rather straight forward. My app is called Google Experience. Basically, this app allows you to search up things that are currently happening. For example, I experienced super storm sandy and it was a pretty fun for me but there were people who were legitimately devastated. So this app allows for people to get an idea of how devastating it is. On the home page, there would be global news like where and when Sandy struck and with this home page, you can see people’s damaged homes and buildings (regular people upload these pictures).

This can help to bring awareness to people all around the world, people who might have not ever known something this bad was happening. Those people can choose to donate money or give prayers, etc.

This is also an app for those trying to see the world. If they type in Bermuda Triangle, they can see what others see. They can see how it is like before one travels.




RESPECT (the COVID-19 tracer app)



Healthy Eats App


GPS – Guaranteed Packaged Service

GoCity – Earn points for exploring your city and the world!

My app concept is called GoCity. It’s essentially a game that rewards you for exploring the outside world. In certain landmarks within your city and around the world, there will be custom-designed QR codes that can be scanned with the app. When they’re scanned, you earn points for discovering that landmark. The landmarks can range from anything such as the Empire State Building, a water fountain found in a local park, a historic shop sign at the corner of a street and more! These points can later be redeemed for physical prizes such as clothing, electronic devices, or even digital prizes like games, discount codes, gift cards, subscriptions, etc.

Direct link: https://pr.to/H4PNHG/

Places my siblings and I have gone to school

An idiot’s attempt at making an (inept) app

Part two of “An Idiot’s Attempt” series.  I have to admit that was fun but wow, it was one of the most frustrating and confusing things I’ve ever done.

I started a second project but I ended up getting stuck and had no idea where to go with it after the second screen.

