Places I’ve Been for Chess or Wrestling


Embeded Map

army duty stations

these are a few of the places I was stationed at during my time in the military<

Motor Vehicle Collision

Bronx, Halloween

Maps / Places I have traveled to.

Maps are extremely important and useful, especially as someone who likes to travel I cant imagine what I would do in a different continent without my smart phone and my map. Maps can also be used to tell us more than just where a location is, it can be used to track diseases and illness, it can also be used to tell us how people in certain areas live, and their beliefs and even how educated they are. Especially within the last 24 hours with the presidential election we can see how important a map is, with certain states turning either red or blue we can see what states voted republican or democrat.




Why are maps important? What societal information can be learned from them?

Maps are extremely important. I realized how lucky we are to be able to use our smartphones. This weekend I was all over the city just out with my son celebrating halloween stopped at Hells Kitchen, Bryant Park, and then to then Chelsea Piers. It’s quite a blessing to not have to look at the computer and print the directions from map quest and then go about our day. I remember this was the case late 90s early 2000s whenever my family and I had to go on road trips. The societal information we can learn from maps is attractions, road work, restaurants, shops and the best part is we can actually get street views to better help us locate a specific location. It comes in handy in any part of the world. when I visit any country or state I was shocked to see that my GPS or map application literally worked in the Dominican Republic! For my map I highlighted what my weekend consisted of.

Why are maps important? What societal information can be learned from them?

Maps are important for many reasons. One of them being that without maps I wouldn’t know how to get to a majority of the places that I travel to without having to think much about it at this point. Without maps taking public transportation would be extremely confusing or probably would be obsolete altogether, as for all modes of transportation because you can’t do so without some sort of direction. Maps also point out things that most of us would miss en route with our own eyes.  A lot of history can also be learned through maps and their usages. Oftentimes maps add historical landmarks to serves as checkpoints for individuals when they’re driving or when en route in general. They preserve records of the past that may not be physically present anymore, like monuments, or statues, or even old schools. They can even show owned properties and their owners.


Maps are super important because it helps us get to our destination. Without maps, we would have a very hard time getting to places we need to go, especially places we have never been to. Some societal information that can be learned from them is people pointing out shortcuts, more local businesses, park trails, current traffic, current road accidents, etc. Apps such as Waze help us get to our destination and giving us updates on what is going on, on the road. Thanks to technology, maps are advancing and we are relying heavily on them, but in my opinion, it is not such a bad thing. Maps are crucial to us and society.



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