Created using p5.js – A Javascript library to help non-coders and beginner coders produce “creative” code.
A red cross across the screen follows the cursor. When the mouse is clicked, a simple “Hi” is displayed within a circle.
Oct 27 2020
Small Interaction with p5.js
Oct 27 2020
An Idiot’s Attempt At Programming
It’s not as fancy as I would like but programming is more logical than anything. Unfortunately logic is something that I was not blessed with. Anyway, like the title says, “An Idiot’s Attempt At Programming.”
Oct 21 2020
Internet Success
he internet is successful because it is worldwide. What I mean by that is that people can connect with anybody from across the globe, they can stay connected with different friends and families who they probably have never seen in months or years. The internet also helps people stay connected with news that’s going on in their area or any where in the world. Another thing is the internet give anybody a platform to express their thoughts or ideas, to network with like minded people. One of the biggest markets on the internet is marketing and e-commerce, getting your product out there to the world. Because of the fact anybody can see your thoughts, ideas, even yourself id=f said person choose. It’s easy to get noticed in any field you are looking to be apart of from music to a job offer. Like how Justin Bieber was first noticed through YouTube and now is a star in today’c climate.
The internet offers a lot of exposure for people that are looking for a future in a particular field if you are talented. The biggest reason the internet is successful is because of the social aspect.
Oct 21 2020
Internet Success
The internet has been incredibly successful. It has brought families together, that otherwise would not be able to see each other or even speak to one another. It provides almost instant answers to just about any question you could possibly have. It helps with education, especially now during these uncertain times if it were not for the internet virtual classes would not exist and we would either have to put our lives at risk and attend in person school or put our education on pause. Although it does have some negative consequences like changing how we interact naturally and taking up a lot of our time, I think the pros most definitely outweigh the negatives.
Oct 21 2020
How does the internet work? Why is it successful?
The internet works by connecting other systems of networks, through email, the world wide web, etc. It is successful because of how broad and versatile it is. The internet was the root of social media, online gaming, smartphones, streaming services and many more. It also allowed class and school to work more effectively since we can do work from home and still have contact with professors outside of class. People now have careers/jobs on through the internet and people rely heavily on it now when it comes to shopping, navigation, emails, reading the news, etc. With the rise of AI (such as iPhone’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Google Home), it also helped make life easier as well. Of course there is negative with the internet, but safe to say that the internet did more good than bad.
According to an article on the Wall Street Journal titled “Does the Internet Make You Smarter?” by Clay Shirky, they state “Reading is an unnatural act; we are no more evolved to read books than we are to use computers. Literate societies become literate by investing extraordinary resources, every year, training children to read. Now it’s our turn to figure out what response we need to shape our use of digital tools.” With the advancement of the internet, we are now not as obligated to read as we did before. Search tools (such as CTRL/COMMAND + F) help us find what we’re looking for easier. Reading is still essential for the growth of the brain, but because of technology, information is easier to find.
Oct 21 2020
the success of internet
The internet has been so successful in todays world because it connects people in ways that wouldn’t be possible if not for the internet. to explain how the internet works exactly is extremely difficult because it has some many layers and use to it but if you think of the internet as a spider web which is a bunch of web strings connected creating a network which are aligned perfectly would be a simple example of the internet. if you think of all the computers and laptops and cell phones and think of the internet as the spider web that connects all of them together making it easy for people to reach out to one another. people can connect to people on the other side of the world in seconds no waiting for a letter in the mailbox needed. these days people can FaceTime instantly with other people or use instagram Dms to message someone who they normally wouldn’t be able to speak to on a daily basis if not for the internet and the technological advances we have today. the internet has become a major tool in everyday life for people I doubt anyone goes a day without using the internet in some form or fashion.
Oct 20 2020
The Rise of the Internet and Its Potential Downfall
Explaining how the internet works would be a whole topic in itself. As there are multiple layers of how the internet connects devices together and within those layers, there are even more layers in how the transfer of data is processed and so on. That’s why most things are created with a layer of abstraction where the general user shouldn’t be concerned with how something works but rather if it works. For example, a typical user shouldn’t care for how the circuitry in a remote works to tell the TV to change channels. All they need to know is which button to press to change the channel. The same things applies to the internet and its applications but when it comes to certain things related to the user and the information the users give up, it’s important to know what that data is being used for.
The internet’s rise could be attributed to the convenience it offers for its users. Communicating with others has evolved from writing letters to waiting weeks for a reply to a mere few seconds. Listening to music or watching movies became simpler, having an entire library streamed straight to your device. But, with the internet’s rise, there is the concern for the users. All the advantages of the internet involve one thing – data. The handling of user data is a major concern on everyone’s mind. “Why do companies need my data?” and “What are the companies doing with my data?” And when it comes to making the user’s data public, professor Arvind Narayanan goes into detail in his blog post, “Is Making Public Data “More Public” a Privacy Violation?” He states that when companies try to obtain user data and make it “more public”, it destroys the trust in users and when companies try “applying the “it’s already public” rule”, it doesn’t plan out as they’d hope. Birth records were made publicly available via the California Birth Index, although there is a tedious process to obtain these records. MySpace had tried to sell user data in bulk and justifying their actions since “the data is already public” and they simply did the work of collecting it. Infochimps scraped graphs and data from Twitter back in 2008 which was then forced down by Twitter.
Towards the ending of Narayanan’s blog post, he claims there should be no acceptable way to use public data on the web. Although I agree that certain things done with user data is terribly unacceptable, there are certain handlings of public data that should be fine. For example, using public data to predict future events should be acceptable or utilizing medical data to help research and develop cures for diseases, albeit in a way that respects the user’s privacy. For example, a user’s social security number wouldn’t obviously be used to help find the cure of a rare disease. The selling of user data I believe should be completely up to the user themselves. If the user wants to sell off their email information for adverts, that should be completely up to the user. Or for some reason there should be a middle ground between the companies and users, the profits from selling data can be split amongst the two parties, in favor of the user.
All in all, the internet is a great place and has improved itself and the world in many ways. But the internet could also lead to the downfall of the world with so many controversial debates on the use of the internet and its ethics and morals.
Oct 20 2020
Is the Internet Successful?
The Internet has become successful through the years by becoming an everyday tool for everyone. Everyone’s question can be answered through the internet without the use of bothering anyone with questions. It has become a new wave of communication to people who have family in different parts of the world. Although the Internet is very successful there have issues on security. Personal information has been leaked out in a way one could not even tell. According to the article, “What Every Developer Needs to Know About “Public” Data and Privacy”, “While making data searchable greatly increases its utility, it also dramatically increases the privacy risks.” Then in another article, “Is Making Public Data “More Public” a Privacy Violation?”, it says “data trustees and data analysts have no clear guidelines in place, and users/consumers are in a position of constantly having to fight back against a loss of privacy.”