Oct 08 2020
Midterm: The Watcher
Oct 08 2020
Picture Recycling (Midterm) by Michael Li
In case the above does not work, copy and paste the bellow into the search bar
Oct 08 2020
Midterm Slides- Best Friend’s Eyes
Here is the link to my google slides presentation
Oct 07 2020
Project idea.
In today’s world gaming is a worldwide thing that everybody does but one thing that gets every game or mad is when they come across a hacker who doesn’t know how to play the game and modifies are game to win games which takes no skill at all and and this creates a lot of people to get angry and like if they were cheating from a win just because the other person had a hack. I want to create something like the Wi-Fi Hager but instead of the Wi-Fi getting taken out I would like to create a system that you plug up into your counsel and whenever you’re in a game in boots people out whenever they have a modified weapons or controls that or abilities that allows them to be stronger than other opponents.This machine would probably approximately The size of a regular iPhone with a USB port that could connect to the system then after that once you load up games whenever there is somebody with modified controls our abilities in the lobby it will kick them out instantly this would definitely help create a more healthier environment in the gaming community because this takes out all of the players they use cheats to win games. Also this technology won’t be able to get tampered with because there will be maximum securities on these devices and firewalls that will protect any hackers from hacking them to create anti-hacking systems and if these devices were to be tampered with they will fry its own system.
Sep 30 2020
Wireless Technology
Wireless technology has completely changed the way we function daily. We rely on it to get directions to places, communicate on various platforms with other people from across the world, and access an entire database of information. This technology does have its pros and cons, as it has altered our perception of what’s public and private. Using the internet, wireless technology, so much of what we create can become public if we choose to make it that way. Social media, blog posts, personal websites, and content creation platforms like Youtube allow us to make nearly all of our personal information public. Everyone in the world can see it if they are searching for it. Some of our information can remain private if we keep it that way, but once it’s on the internet it’s nearly impossible to remove all traces of it. Wireless technology has made us believe that we belong in other people’s private spaces because we see so much of it publicly online. The perception is that we see someone posting online and believe we know what their life is like privately, however, in most cases their posts are altered to seem amazing when they may be the opposite. Nothing is seen as a private space anymore unless it’s truly private, off the internet, and solely discussed in person. Yudhijit Bhattacharjee stated, “Smartphones revolutionize our lives-but at what cost?” And this is something everyone should think about.
Sep 30 2020
Wireless Technology
Wireless technology changes our views of public and private spaces. The advancement of technologies allows us to facilitate our daily lives. According to “Smartphones revolutionize our lives—but at what cost?” by Yudhijit Bhattacharjee, “smartphones have revolutionized our lives in ways that go well beyond how we communicate.” This is true because we rely on our mobile phones to navigate, search for datas, listen to music, watch films, etc. However, Victor Epand believes that “mobile telephony is experiencing its share of teething troubles, including concerns about environmental impact, health and safety, and, of course, the social changes being wrought by a technology which, by making us permanently contactable, is having a profound effect on our interpersonal interaction.” Even if our phones help us connect to other people on the other side of the world, there are negative impacts such as privacy. The way our virtual self is navigating through social media, privacy is rare.
Sep 30 2020
How has wireless technology changed how we think of public vs. private spaces?
The creation of wireless technology has not only change how we think but it also changed society as a whole when it comes to interpersonal connections and skills. The creation of wireless technology such as smart phones, smart tv, apple watches, wireless headphones etc. would not have been possible without Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi was the start of a technological revolution in this country. In today’s society everything is nearly connected to Wi-Fi even one’s own cable services comes with Wi-Fi for the home that can also be used outside due to several towers making it more accessible. Due to being able to access wi-fi from pretty much anywhere and having a computer for a phone people are more easily distracted with online activity compared to real life events.
In the reading of WIFI-HOG by Bruckner-Cohen he emphasized some of the issues that come along with Wi-Fi and nodes being used in public places. The issue now becomes about territory ownership with according to Brucker-Cohen. Free nodes have been found in public parks , airport terminals, libraries and schools according to Cohen, but private nodes from businesses and homes have been pouring into the streets interfering with the free public nodes, because of this it brings up the issue of who has “jurisdiction of signals is defined and who has precedence over it.” I think it was interesting the example Cohen gave so the reader could understand exactly what’s happening. He said imagine the scenario you lived on an island for threes years, but the island was still a public domain, but you had spent money and time investing in the island and someone came along and fenced off an area of the island. That is pretty much the situation happened with the nodes public and private so it really brings up the question who should have more domain over certain areas and if having ownership to only provide a specific network to locations should be considered to be made a law to stop any further disputes between organizations.
Sep 30 2020
Private Spaces
How has wireless technology changed how we think of public vs. private spaces?
People now seems to care more about their personal information on these different sites and networks and rightfully so. Theirs no guaranteed that the information they put on the web is safe from hackers. People are on there phones more so they care about what they are putting out. Are people on their phones more because of wireless technology and is that the bigger issue?
In my opinion I think about how some people cannot travel without looking at their phones constantly, at a concert, going on a plane, going to the bathroom. Wireless technology made some people really addicted to the mysteries of what is going on today in other parts of the world, what topics people are talking about, and many more. In the article, Social Impacts The Telephone And The Cell Phone Has Had On Society by Victor Epand he states, “Without doubt, mobile telephony offers enormous advantages and added convenience, greater personal security, and the ability to take advantage of ‘dead’ time to do business on the move. But the picture isn’t all rosy. Like most young technologies, mobile telephony is experiencing its share of teething troubles, including concerns about environmental impact, health and safety, and, of course, the social changes being wrought by a technology which, by making us permanently contactable, is having a profound effect on our interpersonal interaction (Epand)”. Epand expands on what I said earlier, wireless technology is having a big impact on society itself both good and bad but in this case I think they both cancel each other out in terms of which one outweighs the other.
In the article, Smartphones revolutionized our lives-but at what cost Janet Delaney states,”These benefits, however, seem to have come at a high cost to our mental and social lives. The constant connectivity and access to information that smartphones offer have made the devices something of a drug for hundreds of millions of users. Scientists are just beginning to research this phenomenon, but their studies suggest that we are becomingly increasingly distracted, spending less time in the real world and being drawn more deeply into the virtual world (Delaney).” We have so much access to information that it can hinder a person but at the end of the day it solely relies on a person’s choices. Wireless technology changed how we think about public and private places but it also changed how we function as a society.