To be completely honest I failed the challenge immediately. From the moment professor Jonah told us this challenge I knew I wasn’t going to succeed because last year when I had professor Jonah‘s class we did a similar assignment and I failed as well. It is extremely hard avoiding sites such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, and more. When I’m bored that’s all I do every single day because there’s nothing else for me to do to keep myself entertained, I usually do not watch movies or TV shows and I can’t go outside due to Covid so I have no other option but to use these social sites to help with the boredom. I honestly don’t know how people could live like this but I know that I can’t and probably will which is kind of sad but realistic. This generation revolves around the use of social networks and technology so I’m sure that I’m not the only one who had trouble succeeding in this challenge but to be honest it was very hard from the beginning.
When it came to the assigned readings, the question that had to be answered was if I feel that the internet and our devices have made us unable to retain information which in this case, prior to reading the articles, I believed the internet and our devices had actually helped us retain information since the information is easily accessible and we can do more research on the topic. But once reading articles such as “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr, my opinion has changed. In the article, it speaks about the effects of using devices that one has experienced that I feel like we may be able to relate to. “I can feel it most strongly when I’m reading. Immersing myself in a book or a lengthy article used to be easy.” This line caught my attention the most because I’m able to relate to it. Using my self phone and social media makes everything seem so face paced which reflects off of life outside of it, I tend to rush and skim through readings which makes it hard for me, this results in having to reread multiple times.