Network Theory

According to Hebelkys Mendoza’s writing on Network Theory – The Science- Spaninng, networks is part of our daily lives and according to Anna Nagurney, it connects humans in our communities and activities. Networks connected us to each other and made our lives more simple. Examples of networks connecting each other is social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc. We are able to chat and share what we do in our lives, through a new feature that snapchat introduced called “stories”. Networks that connected us through the world are apps such as restaurant apps such as Mcdonalds, Applebees, etc that allows us to order food through the app and pick it up that makes it easier for us to be on the go conveniently. Apps that helps us get places such as Waze, Google Maps, etc are network apps that connects us to helping us get to places. We can now buy, sell and trade stocks through apps as well. Networks are forever growing and there is no limit to how big it can grow.

Network Forms and Functions

Networks were just a tiny part of life until I really thought about Anna Nagurney’s ideas. In The Science-Spanning Disciplines it is evident that networks take so many various forms and each network functions differently according to their form. For instance, GPS is used almost everyday for so many people. I know that I would have difficulty getting to new places without my phone GPS, but I never thought about it as a network. The subway system in New York City is an entire transportation network that moves millions of people a day, and often times there are network errors that need corrections. For example, when the subways do not communicate correctly, there can be delays or train switches. These networks are vital to our daily lives and often go unappreciated. 

Nagurney goes on to discuss the various types of networks as well as list examples of them. She breaks down transportation networks, energy, water, and communication networks as well. These systems are incredible and constantly evolving as we discover and adapt to new technologies. 

Network theory

Networking consist of many forms and functions in society ranging from meeting new people online to public transportation. Anna Nagurney talks about networking on her podcast and what it means as a whole for our society. She explained how networking is not about just one thing but how it plays a role in finances , science , transportation and many more of societies daily functions. many new Yorkers either take buses and trains to their destination or drive their own cars networking allows communication applications to inform the people what time to bus and trains are coming if there is going to be a delay. and for those people who drive cars many of them use some sort of application to give them directions. all these applications are keeping people connected. in “Taming Complexity” one thing that really stuck out to me was when Albert Laszlo Barabasi connects different fields by stating that network research is “not limited to physics but captures biology, computer science, mathematics, and the social sciences.” workshops and schools have focused more on network science in the past 25 years. network science have grown so much that several schools have developed course in different departments for network science classes.


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Anna Nargurey explains that the study of networks involves how to model applications of mathematical entities and how to design algorithms. Networks can be seen in many different aspects of life. You can see it from transportation to social media. Networks have progressed drastically since they first appeared centuries ago. No matter the kind of network you are speaking of, they all have nodes. links, and flows. For example, a transportation network has directions and cars. Transportation and telecommunication are two types of networks whose network problems are so often fixed easily when compared to others. Networks can be ANYTHING. The most interesting network that Nargurey mentioned was a simple plan of how to get out of a building during a fire drill. It never crossed my mind to link that with the word “network.” Another interesting fact was that the first known network was the circular flow of an economy.


Networks can come in lots of forms whether it be a network of people, ‘networking’ in the sense of getting to know people who will get you in connections with more people; like social networking where people network over social media websites. In order to network, or have a system of interconnected things and people, all those things, or all those people need to be connected in one or some ways. In Anna Nagurney’s podcast ‘The Science-Spanning Disciplines’, she talks about networking and how the applications of networking under different disciplines and what that taught her about networking as a whole. She says that networks are essential to the functioning of today’s society and economy, and are ‘…pervasive in our everyday lives…’ and I agree. The education system itself is a network of individuals who are half educators and half learners. Through this one network a business has formed, jobs have formed, and a source of education has formed. Thus helping people to not only better themselves, have a place in this society for a period of time as a ‘student’ or an ‘educator’ and all the money given and received goes towards providing the exact same for future educators and students.

Network Theory

Networks take many forms and functions in our everyday lives through technology and transportation. As a result, Ana states, “this is not a paperless society… where would we be without transportation.” This is important because transportation does play a major role in how we live our everyday lives. No matter what, we all must travel and or use public transportation to get around from one area to the next. However, on the weekends the networks within the MTA become a little dysfunctional because there are many delays and trains not working. Therefore, it means there is a bit of network and communication issues along the different train lines. Another network Ana speaks about is energy networks. This network is very useful in many different areas because we use the energy to keep our lights and different utilities needed by energy to keep them going. For example, the internet. The internet helps us connect/communicate with people across the world and also retrieve data to keep other networks afloat and working properly. With all the networks we use today, I cannot imagine us without them. The networks provide structure to everything we use to this day.


Networks can take many forms and it’s all around us. Anna Nagourney emphasizes the importance of networks and how it applies to science, architecture, finance, transportation,etc.  She stresses on how transportations networks are significant in our daily lives. Everyday, people use public transportation or their own cars to travel from point A to point B. In New York City, people travel with public transits. People use google maps all the time because it indicates the location and departure/arrival of the subway or bus. It shows our location when we are lost. If Google does not work, people have to communicate with each other. Or they can use another application that has the same function.  In “Taming Complexity,” Albert-Laszlo Barbarasi states, “the poster child of early network thinking is Google, whose phenomenal success is rooted in its algorithm that uses the topology of the Web to rank the search results. Today, more than twenty new companies exploit the increasing knowledge of social networks, with applications from discovering business contents to dating services.” These facts show how people heavily rely on Google for knowledge and social applications for their online communication. “When in doubt, ask google.” Students search on google for answers rather than skimming through books. It helps them search for datas in a faster rate. Albert-Laslo mentions that companies gained millions and billions of dollars through their knowledge of social networks. It is true because people use facebook, instagram, or snapchat every single day. People have an active online social life that they have the need to post every single thing about their life. These feeds on the big companies gathering data and using it for business content. 

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Network theory

Networks can take many forms and functions in the audio it states that there are multiple networks and “We have networks like transportation networks, Manufacturing networks, Communication networks, and Energy networks  Anna Nagurney, The Science-Spanning Disciplines.” and different functions on the way we use them. For example, she stated that an example of how many people use the GPS and rely on it to get to work which is a lot also talking about all the different paths that are given to people to take the quickest route. I feel like without these different networks we would all be in shambles. I know if I didn’t have my phone easily telling me the quickest way to get to an amusement park or even getting to school I wouldn’t be able to maneuver but thanks to people networking apps that make it easier for people to travel and without networks the world wouldn’t be able to run just due to the fact of how everything becomes easy to do with them.

The internet is one of the biggest networks up to date and has over millions of sites and answers and one of the biggest internet networks is google and in the reading, they stated it was “The poster child of early network thinking is Google, whose phenomenal success is rooted in its algorithm that uses the topology of the Web to rank the search results. Today, more than twenty new companies exploit the increasing knowledge of social networks, with applications from discovering business contacts to dating services.ALBERT-LÁSZLÓ BARABÁSI”. This was definitely not a shocker I use google every day I don’t know what I would do without it, I write my papers using there writing app or program, I use there maps just because it’s so accurate and it never lets me down, I have a professional email using their platform and if it was to magically disappear a lot of people wouldn’t know what to do especially college and high school students all we know is google and the internet and technology.

Networks Many Forms and Functions

Networks can take many forms and functions without one really knowing how it happens. When we do our everyday things, networks are also doing their part in out lives. Anna Nagourney talks about transportation, applications, simple building evacuations being things that involve us without having our complete thought. As one lives in New York City everything is controlled or has to ability to get information through their fingertips. For example, one can now text a number and find out what time the next bus or subway is coming. Another thing would be instead of a television broadcast to give emergency news one’s phone will ring loud to alert about the situation.

For this reason, all networks take many forms and functions that it becomes the networks priority to make sure the network is always functioning. If one takes a look there is constantly a new update on many applications. The reason for that is the app becomes a necessity and it will constantly need improvements. According to “Taming Complexity”, it said networks are often driven by the need for quick fixes, expecting solutions overnight. When you take a look at a popular app, Google Maps, that app is always changing for the reason that it delivers present time traffic as well as knowing how long it will take on to get from point a to point b.

Networks take the form of our everyday lives.

Without networks, there would be utter chaos; almost every form of technology would be as unstable, unreliable, and just about unusable to society. Our everyday interactions would be disrupted, Anna Nagurney mentions transportation as a type of network, which in itself faces many issues. As we all know, New York City subway lines are infamous when it comes to subway delays due to signal errors- meaning that there is no communication between the network and the actual subway itself. Planes would not be able to take off or land if air traffic control could not track the actual plan with a broken network.  “We have nodes, we have links… We have transportation networks… Manufacturing networks… Communication network… and Energy networks where the flows could be oil, water, electricity, etc..”  Anna Nagurney, The Science-Spanning Disciplines. 

Internet, a major communication network, opens the door to a virtual hub of endless information and communication which would otherwise be inaccessible to the everyday person. If a link is broken, we cannot connect to a specific website. But, when the network is down, the internet is inaccessible- the flow, my router, is disrupted until that specific problem is taken care of by specialists. Albert-Laszlo Barabasi states, “Even those that understand the importance of networks are often driven by the need for quick fixes, expecting solutions overnight.”  Which is true, when the internet is down, we expect it to be back up and running in minutes. When a major website or app is down, specialists are called on to fix the cause of the issue almost instantly. The issue with these networks is that they are not fully secure and they are prone to attacks that disrupt the network, causing them to, lack a better term, ‘go down’. Sometimes those attacks last for hours, sometimes days rendering the flow, (website), useless until the problem is fixed.